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Coc Archer Queen & Barbarian King, Level DE Costs and upgrading days

Hey chief looking for the information on what is the cost for every level of your Heroes, Archer Queen and Barbarian King?

I took the screenshot of the Clash of Clans heroes Dark elixer costs and upgrading days from the blog wikia.clashofclans. Check it out now.

Here are the DE "Dark Elixer" costs and upgrading days for your heroes depends upon on its level from level 1 to level 20 (Max Level).

The Archer Queen:

"The Archer Queen is an eagle-eyed warrior, whose weapon of choice is a modified X-Bow that few men could dream of wielding. She can attack enemy villages or guard your village."

The Barbarian King: 

"The Barbarian King is the toughest and meanest Barbarian in all the realm, whose appetite for Dark Elixir has caused him to grow to a giant size. He can attack enemy villages or guard your village."

See also: 

Coc Archer Queen & Barbarian King Level Dark Elixer Costs and Upgrading days:

Updated Statistics for latest Barbarian King and Archer Queen  Level (Dark Elixer Costs and Upgrading Days per Level)

Archer Queen  Level 1-45:

Barbarian King Level 1-45 Statistics:

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