I must say attacking base with max defense is not an easy way. You have to plan ahead your strategy, scouting where the base is weak. Some of you might thinking how to 3 stars a max Town Hall 8 (Th8) with centralized AD6 but I am only in Town Hall Level 7, Is there a possible way to score a perfect 3 stars in my clan.?
Let me tell you something, Yes you can 3 stars any TH7 or TH8 bases, In this posts I will tell you some pointers how I do it. Clan Wars episode 20 with my team. I Am semi maxed Town hall 7 attacking a Maxed Air defense Town Hall 8.
What to do?
Scouting Base -- this is the first thing you should do you have to look what the base look like, if your a dragon user you should focus on the air defense of the enemies base. Some of this base are maybe an anti-hog, anti-giant-wiz or anti-drag depends also on what your profile is. Some of the enemies look first the profile of their opponent. Looking what is the best base that is your troops weakest. You must maxed your troops first before upgrading your Town Hall.
Back in the war bases of the enemies , you should know what troops to use it depends upon the base of the enemy.
In this attack my opponent base is for anti drag with centralized air defense level 6. So how to attack an anti-drag base.?
In this attack my opponent base is for anti drag with centralized air defense level 6. So how to attack an anti-drag base.?
What to request for back-up? -- After You've scout the base of your opponent, now choose what you have to request to sent into the battle for back-up. In This case I am using balloon 5, or if there is a balloon 6 much better.
Attacking -- You are now attacking your opponent so where to start.
Deploy you're troops for cutting opponents structure, this the first thing you should be thinking. So it will be look like this.
Deploying 2-3 Dragons cutting enemy base. This the best way to make dragons path going straight to the core of the enemies base.
After cutting deploy set of your drags, be sure that the dragons are all going in the middle of the base, to destroy Town Hall and Air Defense.
Deploy your requested troops that is Balloons, Use your spells wisely and in time when it is needed.
Summary of this attack:
Troops Composition: Drag2 10, CC Troops Balloon5 4, BK lvl 4, Heal Spell 2 and 1 Rage Spell. Attacker: Town Hall level 7
-fixx v2
Troops Composition: Drag2 10, CC Troops Balloon5 4, BK lvl 4, Heal Spell 2 and 1 Rage Spell. Attacker: Town Hall level 7
- Scout and Plan
- Troops combination and request
- Deploying and Cutting
- Support and Timing
- Cleaning
That's all enjoy clashing, I hope you learn on how to 3 stars any Th7 or Th8 war base in Clan wars. If you have any suggestions and any questions drop your comment below this post. Thank you and don't forget to hit the thumbs up button.
-fixx v2