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Clash of Clans Update: Earthquake Spell Revealed

Clash of Clans July 2015 Update: Clash of Clans Developer Supercell reveals a brand new Spell following the poison spell that was introduce earlier. The Earthquake Spell, available on the newest building added Dark Spell Factory.

Clash of Clans July 2015 Update: Clash of Clans Developer Supercell reveals a brand new spell following the poison spell that was introduce earlier. The Earthquake Spell, available on the newest building added the Dark Spell Factory.

Earthquake Spell Description: "Weakens walls and buildings with crippling earthquakes!.


Clash of Clans, Supercell revealed also: 
  1. Dragon Level 5: Which is available on Town hall 10
  2. Adding another new Air Defense, The air Sweeper on Town Hall 8.
  3. Poison Spell, Available on the Newest building Dark spell factory. 
  4. New Leagues added Titan and The legend plus 3 division for Champions league.
A lot of game improvements is expect to experience when the update arrived. Big changes to come. Stay to tune for more Clash of Clans Update. Stay humble, Keep on Clashing!

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