Poison spell can be used to kill Heroes, And Clan Castle troops defender.
Poison Spell in Clash of Clans now revealed it will be included on the big update.
On the 1st and 2nd sneak peek: First is the Dragon 5, which is available on Town Hall 10. New Leagues Level, And 3 division for Champions league.
With description: "Nothings takes down enemy troops better than this deadly poison!"
Poison spell can be used to kill Heroes, And Clan Castle troops defender.
Ps. Don't forget to connect via Facebook, to know immediately about the new upcoming update in July 2015. Stay tune! Keep Clashing.
On the 1st and 2nd sneak peek: First is the Dragon 5, which is available on Town Hall 10. New Leagues Level, And 3 division for Champions league.
With description: "Nothings takes down enemy troops better than this deadly poison!"
Watch Poison Spell in Action: How it works?
Poison spell can be used to kill Heroes, And Clan Castle troops defender.
Ps. Don't forget to connect via Facebook, to know immediately about the new upcoming update in July 2015. Stay tune! Keep Clashing.