Anti-Gowipe and Anti-Drag Town Hall 8 War Base Design, Layout created by BreachGamingFR via warclans.
So, if you experience it also during a war, Attacker uses a 3-starring GoWiPe Attack. You may try this newly made design just right for you, an Anti-Drag and Anti GoWiPe base layout which good for Town Hall 8.
Why not? Use An Anti-GoWiPe For Town Hall Bases for Clan Wars
Why not? Use An Anti-GoWiPe For Town Hall Bases for Clan Wars
Not all players in Th8 level are using Mass-drag or Dragloon (Dragons and Balloons) combination for clan wars. Some of them use GoWiPe attack instead. One member says,
"GoWiPe attack is very effective than drag-attack, and it's very challenging. I'll use ground attack instead of air attack."
Clash of Clans Screenshot for Anti Gowipe/Drag for Town Hall 8 with buildings, traps and defenses.
More Features:
1. Centralized 3 Air Defense which is good for stopping mass Drag attack, supported also by a new building which is the Air Sweeper.
2. 2-3 tier of walls to block attackers Golem to go through the core of the base. Clan Castle troops at the core of the base are hard to lure.
See also:
Anti-Drag & Hogs War base design by Paulnok.
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