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"Original Ghost village" Account Owner Still Alive

Angarkey Rikhi - Original owner still alive, posted on his timeline in facebook.

This past few days AngArkey Rikhi's base became viral in facebook, Coc players cannot visit the base. Other have chance once but after a few seconds their coc application will force to close.

Truth behind this unveiled when, Supercell said that the base was actually banned, and they prevent other player to visit the said base.

The issue of the base layout also explained by the Supercell developer.

Adding up, "it is just a glitches after the air sweeper maintenance Open it in IOS rather than Android." Supercell developer replied.
Screegrabbed via Angarkey Rikhi Facebook page.
In the image, He just posted a screenshot of his coc account with a clan name D.77.B warrior the clan is now Level 6.

His account name is Mr Ang Arkey, coc account lvl 81.

Official facebook account of Angarkey Rikhi still yet to confirm.  

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