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Truth behind Ghost village in COC

Ghost village on Clash of clans goes viral, it's so creepy.

Because of curiosity I visited the base of the alleged Ghost village account name by Angarkey Rikhi from the clan DENDAM77BERADIK with a clan tag #‎9QLU9CY8, He is the clan leader of the said clan from Malaysia‬. After 3 tries of visiting this Town hall 8 base my clash of clans applications force to close. Don't really know what happens.

Rumors, One Clashers said that the owner of this account is already dead, that's why it's called a ghost village. In the screenshots below the village laboratory still upgrading, builders continues to build defense.

Update: Read Original Ghost Village Owner Account Still Alive
Ghost village
Difference of this base from others is that the town hall and cannon are in the same position, no co-leaders, and elder in the clan.

Supercell says "that it is just a glitches after the air sweeper maintenance Open it in IOS rather than Android. That account was already banned." Air Sweeper first seen last April 2015.

It seems that we've solve the said alleged ghost village, it's just a glitch also prevents other clashers to visit the village Angarkey leader of the clan Dendam77beradik. The Glitch also affects the builders and the upgrade in the laboratory still continues to process even it's all done.

It's just a glitch or bug, there is no such thing as a Ghost Village in Clash of Clans.. :) Supercell will soon to fixed it.

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