Check out Clash of Clans Sneak Peek 2: Goblin, Hog Rider, and Valkyrie new level
Supercell's Clash of Clans sneak peek video number 2 released and it's all about the new troops level for Goblin level 7, Hog Rider level 6, and Valkyrie level 6. Chief Pat, talks about the valkyrie firepower and troops appearance. The added level of the said troops is unlocked at Town Hall 10.
Supercell's doesn't give any insights about the new troops that a lot of clashers expected. For the meantime in case, you didn't watch the sneak peek video number 2 for the upcoming update. Watch it now and tell us your thought about it.
Watch also sneak peek number 1: Inferno Tower and Mortar new level.